
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

PiBoIdMo Countdown...need an idea?

I have enjoyed participating in Susanna Hill's "Summer Shorts and Sweets" and was thrilled to receive a generous gift at the end of the contest: a notebook, note pad a sweet card from Susanna, AND

                                          STORY SPARKER CARDS!!!!

Just the kind of emergency packet one needs in the last few days of the PiBoIdMo challenge! 

 Since these are not available to the public at this time, I thought I would give you a link to Susanna's summer challenge posts, and capture a few ideas from them. I found it very easy to come up with PB concepts from them. So, here you go: 


Scroll down on this site, and you will see a list of the challenges.  Each one will give you some great ideas...enjoy!


  1. Thanks. Although I've met my goal, I had a slow day yesterday. I'm going over there now to spark some ideas!

  2. Great Joanne...I hope you are inspired by them as I was!


I would love to have you comment...thanks!