Sunday, October 3, 2010

Starbucks in Istanbul?

Well, here we are, thank the Lord, safe in Constantinople...oh, no, that's right...Istanbul. With thousands of years of history behind it, Turkey has been pushed into the 21st century. Starbucks and the Internet café have found their way to the Middle East, and I'm sure this is not the last we will see of them.
We had a safe and smooth flight. So calm in fact that it seemed as tho' we were sitting on the tarmac for 9 plus hours with the engine running, and suddenly were transported to our destination. Thank you for your prayers.
Now, after a three hour layover, we will head to Cairo via Egypt Air, probably arriving at our hotel around 10:30 pm. Whew! We will have been awake for over 24 hours. The four of us agree that sleeping on a plane is impossible! Olivia looks pretty good, considering, doesn't she?
Not to be outdone, Cosette, our rag doll, knowing of course that we were headed for Egypt, struck her very famous Sphinx-like pose. No wonder the Egyptians worshipped the cat...they look so regal. "Dogs have Masters, they say, but cats have staff". How true!
Continue to pray for us and the people we will meet along the way. We desire above all to be a good witness. Good night! Iyi geceler!

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Journey into the Promised Land

Journey into the Promised Land
From Egypt to Israel