Sunday, April 1, 2012

Awesome Argentina! A to Z Blogging Challenge

Our family had the opportunity to take a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Patagonia in January.  We were amazed at the awesome scenery.  So,  what makes Argentina so awesome?

 Is it the Estancias that dot Patagonia?

 The penguins and elephant seals along the shore?

 Or the glaciers at the foot of the Andes near the Chilean border?

 All the above! What do they have in common? They were all created by an Awesome God.

 Awesome! defines awesome as:

 "An overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration and fear, etc, produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful and the like: in awe of God... Archaic: power to inspire fear or reverence."

 We use this word lightly, don't we?

 "Wow, Jason, that's an 'awesome' bike!" (is he fearful of the bike?)

 Or "Kim, where did you get that 'awesome' dress?" (does Kim's friend reverence the dress?)

 Psalm 66:1-4 ESV 1 Shout for joy to God, all the earth; 2 sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise! 3 Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies come cringing to you. 4 All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name.” Selah

 Let's begin to use the word appropriately again, and attribute it to one who deserves our 'reverence and fear'...who is that for you? What amazing adjectives would you use in the above sentences in place of AWESOME?


  1. It looks so pretty! (love the pehnguins)

    Happy A to Z

  2. Ooo, those pictures are awesome and beautiful. What a majestic country!

    Awesome can be used a couple different ways! Like you said, inspiring great admiration or fear (usually attributed to God-made nature!) and to exclaim about something very impressive or daunting (such as achieving perfect scores on the bar exams for three different states).

    I think this A to Z Challenge is AWESOME because it's impressive and admirable how many people signed up...and it's a little daunting and fearful to be embarking on it, LoL! :)

    1. You are right, is daunting. But we are meeting new friends, and honing our craft, so, it makes it worth the effort, doesn't it? Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Totally fascinating place. So glad you were able to visit and to bring back these photos to share for the letter A!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed them, C. Lee...enjoy the challenge, and thanks for stopping by!

  4. Your photos are gorgeous. I especially love the first one!

    1. Yes, the sunsets were gorgeous...and that was taken around 10:30pm! Glad you stopped by for a visit. Enjoy the challenge, Lynda!

  5. Thanks for the incredible and lovely pictures of Argentina!

    1. Thanks so much, Beth...I enjoy taking photos so I can enjoy them over and over again!

  6. This post is (oops! almost used "awesome") very thought-provoking. We DO overuse and misuse it! Thanks for teaching us the real meaning of the word.

    1. You are welcome, Pam...I need to watch myself as well. It's so easy to let it slip out! Thanks for the visit...

  7. Amazing pictures. Makes me want to visit there myself.

    1. Hopefully you will have the chance some day, Cindy! Thanks for stopping!

  8. Pategonia fascinates me. What a great place to visit!

    And I am here to welcome you to the Challenge!


    1. Thanks, Karen...welcome to you, too! Yes...Patagonia was always a mystery to me. We are so blessed that we were able to visit as a family...

  9. Well put. The youngsters use awesome without regard to the proper meaning.

  10. The photos were truly awe inspiring! I've always wondered if I'd enjoy traveling, but seeing pictures like that do manage to tempt me.

    Oh, well, I still have five children to graduate before I retire from homeschooling... At least this year will tip the scale to the "completed" side instead of the "to finish" side.

    I can't wait to see what else you have planned for this month!

  11. Amen...thanks for visiting my blog, Francene!

    1. I can see that you have your priorities in order, Chautona....traveling can come later. So glad you are enjoying the posts!

  12. I will start by saying these photos from Argentina are AWESOME!

    1. Thanks, was a fabulous, never -to-be-forgotten trip!

  13. It was the first word that came to mind, Betty. Thanks for stopping...enjoy the challenge!


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