Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Puritan Prayers: A to Z Blogging Challenge

I admire the Puritans!  They have been given a bad reputation, mostly unfounded, because they were a group of English who believed that the church was becoming   secularized, and thus, was forgetting their first love...GOD.  They desired to 'purify' the church of it's ungodliness, and bring it back to honor and obedience to the Word of God.

Hear a portion of their prayers prayed over the centuries, taken from "The Valley of Vision":

Faith and the World p.107

..Thy Word is full of promises...

May I be made rich in its riches,
Be strong in its power,
Be happy in its joy,
Abide in its sweetness,
Feast on its preciousness,
Draw vigor from its manna.

Lord, increase my faith.

VOYAGE p. 110

O Lord of the Oceans,
My little bark sails on a restless sea,
Grant that Jesus may sit at the helm and steer me safely;
Suffer no adverse currents to divert my heavenward course;
Let not my faith be wrecked amid storms and shoals;
Bring me to Harbour with flying pennants,
                                       Hull unbreached,
                                       Cargo unspoiled....

The Family p. 113

..Let those who are united to me in tender ties
Be precious in thy sight and devoted to thy glory.
Sanctify and prosper my domestic devotion,
That my house may be a nursery for Heaven,
My church the garden of the Lord,
Enriched with trees of righteousness of thy planting,
                                                             For thy glory;...


..Teach me how to use the world, and not abuse it,
                                   To improve my talents,
                                   To redeem my time,
                                   To walk in wisdom towards those without,
                                         And in kindness to those within,
                                     To do good to all men,
                                         And especially to my fellow Christians...

Some links about the Puritans:

The Hall of Church History

What is your passion?


  1. I enjoyed reading these prayers. What a depth of character they had...very inspiring.

    1. They put my prayers to shame, Daisy...but, God listens and loves to hear them anyway! The Puritans were truly faithful to God and their cause...

  2. Look forward to the rest of your challenge run…can’t believe we’ve had 16 days already!

    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. I am, Damyanti...thanks for stopping by to encourage me!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, we need God's strength to start each day...


I would love to have you comment...thanks!

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